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Whether it’s for an article or for a video having supporting media is important. It can help tell the story or just fill in some blanks. Whatever you use it for it’s important that you make sure you get it from a legal and reliable source.


no one can use someone else’s work without permission. If someone finds out that you used their work they can sue you or force you to take down their work. If you are submitting media to TeenView magazine you need to make sure that it is Royalty-Free or that it’s licensed under the Creative Commons.


Royalty-Free means that you are free to use it without paying royalties for use. This does not always mean it’s free of charge. Royalty-free stuff usually is easy to get but make sure you read the fine print.

Creative Commons?

The Creative Commons is a license that people use to give their work to the world for free. It has built a community of people that are dedicated to using their talents to help others. Pay Attention to the fine print, some of the work will require that you Cite them as a source if you choose to use them.



Now that you know what to look for with your supporting media here are a few resources to get you started. These are completely free.


If you need sound effects or music then you should check out the Youtube Audio Library. They are constantly updating their catalog so you can always find new stuff. pay attention to the license, some of the audio requires you to cite the artist.

Pictures and Graphics

one good resource to have in your toolbox is it is a site that has a number of free pictures and graphics. You will have to cite this as a source. If you want the premium stuff and the ability to not have to cite them you have to purchase a membership.

Another good resource is Unsplash provides free photos and you do not have to cite them.